Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4th Daily Guidance

Cooling Waters
MESSAGE: It's a good day to confront how you injure yourself and others with your anger. Admitting the truth opens your heart to the healing power of love.
WILD BOAR  Anger and confrontation are hallmarks of Wild Boar. Sometimes this card indicates bullying or even violence.
ACE OF CUPS is the ecstatic experience of the heart opening to new depths of love and compassion.
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3rd Daily Guidance

Sideline Safety
MESSAGE: You may walk into or find yourself being lured into meetings, groups or events where people with different ambitions and agendas are trying to run the show. Let the rams butt heads. Put up your shields, put on your armor and go about your business.
ARMADILLO wears a shield of armor that protects him from almost all predators . It's bulky and awkward but amazingly efficient. This creature teaches the wise use of boundaries when in threatening or intense situations.
5 OF WANDS represents groups of people who are testing their strength, will and creative abilities against each other. This can be likened to an intense sporting event where all the players do their very best to trounce each other and yet it's not a war, most of the time no one gets seriously hurt.
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1st Daily Guidance

To The Rescue!
MESSAGE: This could be a whistleblower day! Speak up or come to the rescue if you see someone being hurt or deceived or give support to people or organizations who work to reveal the dishonesty of the "system".
OWL has fantastic vision in the darkest of nights. This medicine is the ability to see through deception, cons and and lies. It can also be the totem of a predator, deceiver or master thief.
KNIGHT OF CUPS is the archetype of the humanitarian, the social activist, the defender of underdogs. This person might be working to save endangered species, teaching special ed, or be working to right the wrongs of a crooked political system.

images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31st Daily Guidance

Warm Hearts
MESSAGE: Reflect on your commitment to people important to you - your friends, those who feel like family, and your beloved. Appreciate the nourishment and joy of companionship.
OTTER is about friendship, playfulness, ease while working and enjoying supportive and loving people. Otter finds ways to make any activity fun and inclusive of many. This is the medicine of personal warmth and good times.
2 OF CUPS. Roses, champagne and lace are pictured but this love is about more than romantic gestures. Two people who strive to understand and support each other with depth and passion. The growth and lessons of relationship gives great meaning to their lives.

 images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30th Daily Guidance

The Spotted Ace
MESSAGE:Heart and body are profoundly tuned to each other today. You may feel heart opening sensations in unique and intense ways. The hair on your head may stand up, a ripple of shivers rolls through your body as someone approaches, you're suddenly very sleepy and and fall into a most amazing dream. Honor these sensations today.
JAGUAR energy is sensuality ,and an intense and uncanny awareness that comes directly from body perception and sensation. Jaguar moves gracefully and well in all environments and are master leapers, climbers, runners, crawlers, and swimmers.
ACE OF CUPS is a card representing a sudden appearance of a person, event or spiritual experience that brings strong feelings of heart opening, cleansing, joy and sometimes forgiveness. The experience might be fleeting or could turn into a lasting commitment. All Tarot aces carry raw energy and an initiation - this one initiates Love and Melting.

images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29th Daily Guidance

Love Vibes
MESSAGE: You might fall deep into romantic illusions today. Look into your heart. How real is your love and understanding? You may feel under a spell - but you're responding to a tiny part of the spectrum of a complex situation.
DRAGONFLY has the ability to create illusions when she flies into the intersection of bright sunlight and reflections from waters. Her presence creates rainbows and moving colors. She uses the environment to weave mystique and beauty
2 OF CUPS speaks of the best in romantic relationship: the 2 is harmony and the Cups are water - the willingness to merge, understand, surrender to passion and be supportive. This is the ideal of foregoing ego and power trips and going deep into the heart of true love.

images are from the Medicine Cards and the Wheel of Change Tarot

Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28th Daily Guidance

Intuitive Decisions
MESSAGE Take quick and sure action today that is based on your actual circumstances. Resist repeating a pattern from the past that is based on a reality that no longer exists.
ANTELOPE is connected to taking quick action at just the right time to adapt to changing circumstances or for protection. Often the knowledge of Right Action comes intuitively or psychically.   

10 OF CUPS represents emotional patterns from ancestors that play out in every individual's life. Some of these patterns are helpful in the present and some are anachronistic or even toxic.
images are from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 27th. Daily Guidance

MESSAGE: Today, choose to drop a few of the balls you're juggling, preferably the ones that can lead to running in circles! It will all turn out for the best.
TURTLE has a low profile, avoids drama and trauma and keeps on communing with and loving Mother Earth. Turtle lives long and successfully in this way.
7 OF WANDS signifies the need to prioritize the many demands of life. Juggling too many relationships, projects and activities leads to burn out. What's most important now? Put your power there.

images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26th Daily Guidance

MESSAGE: Someone usually remote, academic or small in personality could release their inner dragon today, acting and speaking more colorfully. They may decide to dream bigger dreams and take on braver goals.
DRAGONFLY is a tiny dragon who temporarily forgot the big work, noble dreams and wild ancestry of the full fledged dragon. It's only a matter of time before the large one returns!
QUEEN OF SWORDS has powerful intelligence, a witty way with words and strong intuition. She's reserved, not timid, but may lack fire and so hesitates to act and take part in life.

images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25th Daily Guidance

MESSAGE: Imagine your body as a microcosm of the Earth. Within is a powerful core of heat, mystery and vitality to be honored and nourished. Connect with it and you can lighten up and overcome some of the sluggishness you've been feeling.

BUTTERFLY rises from the shredded chrysalis, an entirely different creature than the one that entered. Mind blowing transformations happen everyday in butterfly land.
9 OF DISKS pictures a heat map of Earth. It's the hot, heavy, fiery center that holds our planet together, and holds all beings to her through the force of gravity. Connecting to the core self or issues leads to making choices with integrity.
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24th Daily Guidance

The Long Walk
MESSAGE: You fit into a picture so big it's almost beyond belief. Your actions influence the future after you're long gone, and the actions of generations from the distant past are now influencing you .Be aware of this as you walk your life's journey today

ELK is regal and noble. She has a powerful body and all the stamina needed to make treks up and down mountains without wearing out. The secret is she knows how to pace herself.
10 OF CUPS represents ancestral patterns. What can you learn, both positive and negative, from those who raised and trained you? What are you teaching and what example are you setting for the younger generations?
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 23rd Daily Guidance

New Life
MESSAGE: If your "old skin" doesn't fit you anymore, find a way to shed it. Don't return to poisonous or painful situations of the past. Keep your intensity and vitality focused on your new life. 
SNAKE never stops growing. To accommodate this, they occasionally shed their old skins. During these molt times, they look like they're in a trance, half dead. But soon they are "reborn" and wiggle away in a fresh and shiny snakeskin..
9 OF SWORDS shows a blast of wind energy powering turbines. The powerful wind symbolizes intense thoughts, ideas, communication and possibly harsh words. The wind turbines say there's a way to constructively harness and use all that hot air!
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22nd Daily Guidance

MESSAGE: Look for a new creative person or idea to help transform a part of yourself or your life that's been asleep, hidden away, inaccessible.
BUTTERFLY transforms from a small and slow caterpillar to a light-as-air free spirit. The middle step between the two is a chrysalis in which all things caterpillar dissolve into a souplike state and from this the butterfly takes form.
2 OF WANDS signifies two creative ideas or two people feeding each others' fire and enthusiasm. Learning something brand new, diversifying work in a jazzy way or h
anging out with someone unusual are examples of this energy.
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Sunday, January 20, 2013

January 21st Daily Guidance

Positively Patient
MESSAGE: Weed out the depressive or unhealthy junk in your routines today. Then you'll have the stamina and patience to do what needs to be done.
ANT uses patience to make slow and steady progress and gain success. Watch an ant hauling a breadcrumb up a hill. He may drop it many times, but always picks it up and trudges on, and eventually gets where he's going.
7 OF DISKS shows many wholesome foods. Eating, sleeping, playing and working in a wholesome and soulful way creates a solid and happy existence over time.
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

January 20th Daily Guidance

MESSAGE: If you feel secure in your basic needs of food and shelter, you can relax and be inventive and playful. If you "know" that the future is benevolent and safe, then you're doubly blessed.
PORCUPINE is a trusting innocent creature except when danger is about, then up go the quills and woe to the beast that runs into him. This totem's lesson is to relax defenses and be creative, playful and trusting as long as the surroundings are safe.
KNIGHT OF DISKS is often a person savvy in long term planning and seeing future trends. The prince pictured here understands long cycles of time, aging, productivity and money and plans to take good care of himself and his loved ones.
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 19th Daily Guidance

Subtle Assistance
If you're laying groundwork for a long term project, work undercover today. You could also lend support to others in achieving their goals, just do so in an unobtrusive way.
FOX teaches that sometimes a low profile helps you succeed. The ability to skillfully camouflage himself and his actions protects this small, clever animal.

PRINCESS OF DISKS is planting seeds in a newly tilled field. She takes simple meaningful steps as she begins a new long term project. It's a good path for her, she radiates happiness.

images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18th Daily Guidance

Importance Of Support

MESSAGE: Take care of your heart when faced with sad or upsetting changes. Find inner peace by being with good friends and also take time alone to process.If a friend is grieving, offer your loving presence..
PRAIRIE DOG balances community and retreat. Prairie Dog towns can number in the hundreds of thousands and are amazingly peaceful. Members are affectionate and treat each other well. How do they all get along? Each animal has it's own den to retreat to for chill time.
 DEATH card means something is ending. It's taken a long time to reach this point. One must cross the river and begin anew. There's no going back. The transition will lead to fresh beginnings.
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17th Daily Guidance

Inner Child
MESSAGE: Enjoy the childlike part of yourself, who is innocent and trusting. It's fun not to know everything. Be pure perception. You can let your inner child wander and play and be creative today. The
adult in you will sense danger if need be.
PORCUPINE when he isn't threatened, is one of the most playful and trusting of animals. This totem teaches the value of innocence, curiosity, sweetness and fun and represents
the child within every person.
 2 OF DISKS Sometimes, if there's no judgment, polarization works well.Creative friction and fruitfulness can happen when two very different people or energies respectfully meet. This illustration shows the sun as the source of warmth and light; the earth of fertility, plants, animals and all that lives Though their natures are vastly different, one isn't superior to the other. But if Sun and Earth tried to switch roles or compete with each other, it wouldn't work at all! 
 images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16th Daily Guidance

Hang In There
MESSAGE: Today you may have a setback, an injury, feel disrespected or frustrated that things aren't going your way. Stay attuned to what opens as a result of troubles - you can find new paths that have been hidden up until now.
BLACK PANTHER explores mysteries for which there are no words. She's guardian and guide when walking into a future that's completely unmapped, when chaos rules or when having unsettling experiences of a psychic, shamanic or mystical nature.
THE HANGED MAN hangs by his foot, not his neck. He's not dying, he's emptying out. He's temporarily taken out of the game and feeling powerless. This is a card of surrender to the flow of what is, to the facts of the matter. In time, a liberating change will come of all this.

images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15th Daily Guidance

Breathing Room
MESSAGE:  Look at patterns of dependency in your life and take responsibility for what you can do for yourself. Practice self reliance and express your individuality. When you give others "space", relationships have room to breathe and it's good for your self-esteem.
BLUE HERON brings independence, self-reliance and a do-it-yourself attitude. Heron moves easily between air (freedom) and water (emotion) teaching balance. Find nourishment in the waters, and also take time to rise up and enjoy the independence of flight.

QUEEN OF CUPS  is the archetypal Mother. She can be wonderfully warm and nurturing. But when off balance, mothering becomes smothering and co-dependent. She can be so empathic that she dissolves into the lives and identities of her loved ones.
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14th Daily Guidance

Moral Code
MESSAGE: Connect deeply to your heart and soul. Take time to be alone and cozy, let the feelings flow within you. How do you feel about your personal ethics ad morality? What feels true and what feels false?
, great mother of us all, She gives strength to face all aspects of the inner world. Much comfort comes from alone time when Bear medicine appears. Go deeply within.
JUSTICE is the archetype of objectivity, fairness and harmony, representing the clear wise mind. Justice seeks to determine proper moral actions and to bring life into balance by making ethical decisions.
images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 13th Daily Guidance

Wise Guy
MESSAGE: Today you may be feeling smarter than everyone else. Even if you don't say it, inside you might even be making fun of others. OK, everyone gets in that mood sometimes, but be sure to make fun of yourself, too!
CROW medicine has a clever, intelligent and sarcastic way of viewing the world and expressing opinions. Crow sees your shadow, his own shadow and even the shadow of the shadow! This Totem caws that humor goes a long way when owning the Deep Dark Truth.
QUEEN OF SWORDS has a whip-smart logical and intuitive mind. Sometimes she's much better at analyzing her feelings than actually being in touch with them. This can lead to isolation, a tendency to be judgmental and a lack of heartiness.

images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 12th Daily Guidance.

Compassionate Action
MESSAGE: Sometimes it's overwhelming that there are so many people in trouble in this world, so much pain and imbalance. Today give what you can, love where you can, help where you can. You have the stamina and the grace and the nobility to do so. Every little bit matters.
ELK herd stands regally in fields of snow, hidden in clouds of steam created from the breath of the many. Elk is a huge, solidly built animal and profoundly grounded. She doesn't move particularly fast but can go long distances by pacing herself. Her totem gifts are stability, nobility and stamina.
KNIGHT OF CUPS represents a humanitarian on a personal mission to help others in need, in poverty, in poor health, in war zones - in ongoing situations they can't resolve on their own. Helping others in crisis is its own reward to this Knight. It fills his life with light and meaning.

Friday, January 11, 2013

January 11th Daily Guidance

Professor Wolf
MESSAGE: Plan what you want to teach and what you want to learn over the winter months. Set aside time today to organize your "lesson plans". Think over the most artful ways to deliver teachings and leadership so that others understand and are creatively sparked. Maybe even synch your lessons with moon phases! Also, decide what you most want and need to learn. Send out a howl about it if you feel so moved!
WOLF is the teacher totem and tells us to be willing students and generous teachers with each other. Humanity learned much about social harmony and hunting skills from Wolf. Other teachings are connecting to moon phases and the power of song.
QUEEN OF SWORDS sits in a well organized studio working on Japanese arts such as bonzai and origami. This is a card of the organized mind, the artful approach, powerful intelligence and the need to withdraw and be quiet to sort out thoughts and gain serenity of mind.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10th Daily Cards

Stillness and Spiritual Healing
MESSAGE: Purge yourself of obsessive thoughts about old wounds, continuing battles, the need for revenge or justice. Do a quiet meditation or ceremony in solitude and silence. Notice spiritual help, communication and healing coming through. Allow the purge.
LYNX shares the magick of deep silence. It's within such stillness that spiritual healing and communication with higher self and powers can be received. Lynx intensifies these experiences by holding powerful silence and observation.
3 OF SWORDS represents the mind tormenting the heart. Bitter thoughts, old wounds, pessimistic ways of seeing the world cause the heart center to shut down, cause love to shrink and hide within a frightened place. This card recommends action be taken to heal painful thoughts. Now is the time.
Images from Wheel of Change Tarot and Medicine Cards.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9th Daily Cards

Creative Connections 
MESSAGE Plan how to share your works-in-progress with others. Contact friends and helpful folks and let them know what you're working on because there's lots of support out there .Take opportunities and notice synchronicities. Reach out to the fun friendly non-competitive people you know.
OTTER has found a wise way of getting basic needs met. They live where their food source is so abundant - it practically swims right to them!. This leaves lots of time to play, probably because there's plenty for everyone, Otter groups are non-hierarchal and more cooperative than competitive.
8 OF WANDS shows a major creative project which is already well under way. This is one of the best cards for moving forward and making great connections that support career and creativity. Commitment to progress attracts needed assistance, new ideas, new partnerships and possibilities of expansion.

The two 8's in this duo are interesting. Number 8 is about learning how to deal with complexity and separating the nourishing from the useless (among many other meanings). This seems like a smooth continuation of yesterday's cards which also featured an 8 - the 8 of Disks.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 7-13, 2013. WEEKLY GUIDANCE

Fully Experiencing
MESSAGE: When you live every day connected to Nature's ways, your achievements are strong, stable and true. If you're making future plans and strategies this week, be sure to allow for time to fully experience each step of the path you're charting. Cherish the old truth that the joy of life is in the journey.
TURTLE says walk upon the Earth with purpose and patience. Let the light warm and enliven your body and soul. There's great joy in experiencing the love and support of Mother Earth and Father Sun with every step you take.
4 OF WANDS. The silhouetted mountains in this card look to me like the range on Tucson's west side. "Go West", this card says, "follow the road of developing your life and expanding your horizons." Not in a hurtful, imperialistic way but by following passion, commitment and integrity. Each milestone should be celebrated before stepping back on the path.
(images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of ChangeTarot)

January 8th Daily Cards

Circle Dance
MESSAGE: Examine your routines. See where there's vitality and positive effect and give more of yourself there. Admit which of your common activities are drab or draining and plan to either transform or get rid of them. Be sure to notice where gifts are flowing and open up to receive them. All this fires up your ability to creatively redesign your energy habits.
TURKEY keywords are generosity and receiving. The teaching is that all ways of exchange - love, work. money, education, support and so on - make the world go round. It keeps a flow of vitality and ongoing growth and connection in life. Turkey recommends falling in love with both giving and receiving!
8 OF DISKS illustration is a winter scene with a huge tree hosting many spider webs. Some webs are full of light, some are dim. Patterns and routines in life are spun, thrive for a while and then lose vitality. The worn ways should be changed or swept away. Passionate creative routines need room to come to the foreground, as represented by the bright red weaving.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Soothing Yourself

Daily Guidance January 6, 2013
MESSAGE: Self worth problems and body issues are pognant today. You can silence the inner critic. Affection, companionship and relaxing help bring you back into balance.
PRAIRIE DOG models finding a balance between busy community involvement and the need of a private space for chill time. These creatures are amazingly affectionate and peaceful considering they live in high density populations - they know how to care for themselves by staying in balance.
5 OF DISKS speaks of worries about health, wealth and aging. The picture shows a snake that's shed her molt and has become tangled in the stems of a set of hand mirrors. Although the vitality to get moving in life is available, mind and self image are creating hardship and obstacles.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Imagination To The Rescue

Daily Guidance January 5, 2013.
MESSAGE: You can intentionally turn away from pessimistic mentality and low expectations. Indulge your creative mind and weave fresh and positive personal stories with your imagination. Doing so prepares you for a shift to happiness and contentment.Let your imagination be your healer.
SPIDER represents the creative artist in everyone as they go about weaving the stories of their life - stories that create identity and direction. Spider is the greatest of story tellers! She never runs out of new ones. As the archetypal Wise Old Grandmother, she comprehends how stories of a vast number of beings intersect and interplay to weave our world reality.  
3 OF SWORDS speaks to the feelings of depression and painful thoughts that arise from much loss and limitation. It's necessary to heal heart and mind when this card arises and to take a positive step toward alleviating sorrow. It's time to release from pessimism.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Oh, Sure, Everything's Fine!

Daily Guidance January 4, 2013.
MESSAGE: If an unhealthy and toxic situation needs to be abandoned, so be it. Be sure to protect yourself from the bullying, anger or hostility of others.. It may be best to put on an act that infers that everything's OK. You need to buy some time to figure out where you want to go next.
POSSUM is the great pretender. She knows how to put on an act to avoid being attacked and harmed. This is a totem of all role players and actors, and will appear when it's advisable to mask your feelings or intentions.
6 OF SWORDS comes up when what used to feel like home and was familiar and nourishing has radically changed. Though it's sad to leave and there's some nostalgic feelings, it's necessary to break away and travel on. There's a better place for you up ahead.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Power Games

Daily Guidance January 3, 2013.
MESSAGE: Today you might get stuck in one of those eternal-feeling loops of having to win an argument, come out ahead or prove how right you are. In reality, it's a losing game all around, a vicious circle. It diminishes your vital energy. Surely you have something better to do.
SALMON follows impulse and ancestral migration paths. The push to "get there" is astoundingly strong in Salmon. The question is - is your "there" a happy and worthy destination?
PRINCE OF SWORDS is the obsessive compulsive of the Tarot. He strives to master every detail of life and work. The concern for perfection and the anxiety behind it, causes a distancing from emotion and vulnerability. This Prince is often argumentative and highly opinionated.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Strategy of Harmony

January 2, 2013 Daily Guidance
MESSAGE: Notice what you need to create harmony and health in your daily routines, schedule and the places you frequent. Hatch a plan to get your needs met. Do not discuss widely, Weasel is quite stealthy!
WEASEL is a master of strategy. This slinky creature sits quietly (even invisibly) and observes all the levels of power and types of energy in a situation. When the time is right, Weasel pounces.
10 OF DISKS is about creating rhythm and harmony in daily life by being mindful of biorhythms, the effect of foods eaten, the vibrations of colors, objects and people around you. Enjoy the harmony and health in your life and create more of it.