Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 7-13, 2013. WEEKLY GUIDANCE

Fully Experiencing
MESSAGE: When you live every day connected to Nature's ways, your achievements are strong, stable and true. If you're making future plans and strategies this week, be sure to allow for time to fully experience each step of the path you're charting. Cherish the old truth that the joy of life is in the journey.
TURTLE says walk upon the Earth with purpose and patience. Let the light warm and enliven your body and soul. There's great joy in experiencing the love and support of Mother Earth and Father Sun with every step you take.
4 OF WANDS. The silhouetted mountains in this card look to me like the range on Tucson's west side. "Go West", this card says, "follow the road of developing your life and expanding your horizons." Not in a hurtful, imperialistic way but by following passion, commitment and integrity. Each milestone should be celebrated before stepping back on the path.
(images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of ChangeTarot)

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