Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30th Daily Guidance

The Spotted Ace
MESSAGE:Heart and body are profoundly tuned to each other today. You may feel heart opening sensations in unique and intense ways. The hair on your head may stand up, a ripple of shivers rolls through your body as someone approaches, you're suddenly very sleepy and and fall into a most amazing dream. Honor these sensations today.
JAGUAR energy is sensuality ,and an intense and uncanny awareness that comes directly from body perception and sensation. Jaguar moves gracefully and well in all environments and are master leapers, climbers, runners, crawlers, and swimmers.
ACE OF CUPS is a card representing a sudden appearance of a person, event or spiritual experience that brings strong feelings of heart opening, cleansing, joy and sometimes forgiveness. The experience might be fleeting or could turn into a lasting commitment. All Tarot aces carry raw energy and an initiation - this one initiates Love and Melting.

images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

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