Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10th Daily Cards

Stillness and Spiritual Healing
MESSAGE: Purge yourself of obsessive thoughts about old wounds, continuing battles, the need for revenge or justice. Do a quiet meditation or ceremony in solitude and silence. Notice spiritual help, communication and healing coming through. Allow the purge.
LYNX shares the magick of deep silence. It's within such stillness that spiritual healing and communication with higher self and powers can be received. Lynx intensifies these experiences by holding powerful silence and observation.
3 OF SWORDS represents the mind tormenting the heart. Bitter thoughts, old wounds, pessimistic ways of seeing the world cause the heart center to shut down, cause love to shrink and hide within a frightened place. This card recommends action be taken to heal painful thoughts. Now is the time.
Images from Wheel of Change Tarot and Medicine Cards.

1 comment:

  1. Today's cards vibrate perfectly with the lunar phase we're in - the Banishing Moon, the Dark of the Moon - known as the best time of the month to cleanse, purge and be done with.


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