Friday, January 4, 2013

Oh, Sure, Everything's Fine!

Daily Guidance January 4, 2013.
MESSAGE: If an unhealthy and toxic situation needs to be abandoned, so be it. Be sure to protect yourself from the bullying, anger or hostility of others.. It may be best to put on an act that infers that everything's OK. You need to buy some time to figure out where you want to go next.
POSSUM is the great pretender. She knows how to put on an act to avoid being attacked and harmed. This is a totem of all role players and actors, and will appear when it's advisable to mask your feelings or intentions.
6 OF SWORDS comes up when what used to feel like home and was familiar and nourishing has radically changed. Though it's sad to leave and there's some nostalgic feelings, it's necessary to break away and travel on. There's a better place for you up ahead.

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