Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8th Daily Cards

Circle Dance
MESSAGE: Examine your routines. See where there's vitality and positive effect and give more of yourself there. Admit which of your common activities are drab or draining and plan to either transform or get rid of them. Be sure to notice where gifts are flowing and open up to receive them. All this fires up your ability to creatively redesign your energy habits.
TURKEY keywords are generosity and receiving. The teaching is that all ways of exchange - love, work. money, education, support and so on - make the world go round. It keeps a flow of vitality and ongoing growth and connection in life. Turkey recommends falling in love with both giving and receiving!
8 OF DISKS illustration is a winter scene with a huge tree hosting many spider webs. Some webs are full of light, some are dim. Patterns and routines in life are spun, thrive for a while and then lose vitality. The worn ways should be changed or swept away. Passionate creative routines need room to come to the foreground, as represented by the bright red weaving.

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