Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9th Daily Cards

Creative Connections 
MESSAGE Plan how to share your works-in-progress with others. Contact friends and helpful folks and let them know what you're working on because there's lots of support out there .Take opportunities and notice synchronicities. Reach out to the fun friendly non-competitive people you know.
OTTER has found a wise way of getting basic needs met. They live where their food source is so abundant - it practically swims right to them!. This leaves lots of time to play, probably because there's plenty for everyone, Otter groups are non-hierarchal and more cooperative than competitive.
8 OF WANDS shows a major creative project which is already well under way. This is one of the best cards for moving forward and making great connections that support career and creativity. Commitment to progress attracts needed assistance, new ideas, new partnerships and possibilities of expansion.

The two 8's in this duo are interesting. Number 8 is about learning how to deal with complexity and separating the nourishing from the useless (among many other meanings). This seems like a smooth continuation of yesterday's cards which also featured an 8 - the 8 of Disks.

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