Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17th Daily Guidance

Inner Child
MESSAGE: Enjoy the childlike part of yourself, who is innocent and trusting. It's fun not to know everything. Be pure perception. You can let your inner child wander and play and be creative today. The
adult in you will sense danger if need be.
PORCUPINE when he isn't threatened, is one of the most playful and trusting of animals. This totem teaches the value of innocence, curiosity, sweetness and fun and represents
the child within every person.
 2 OF DISKS Sometimes, if there's no judgment, polarization works well.Creative friction and fruitfulness can happen when two very different people or energies respectfully meet. This illustration shows the sun as the source of warmth and light; the earth of fertility, plants, animals and all that lives Though their natures are vastly different, one isn't superior to the other. But if Sun and Earth tried to switch roles or compete with each other, it wouldn't work at all! 
 images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

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