Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29th Daily Guidance

Love Vibes
MESSAGE: You might fall deep into romantic illusions today. Look into your heart. How real is your love and understanding? You may feel under a spell - but you're responding to a tiny part of the spectrum of a complex situation.
DRAGONFLY has the ability to create illusions when she flies into the intersection of bright sunlight and reflections from waters. Her presence creates rainbows and moving colors. She uses the environment to weave mystique and beauty
2 OF CUPS speaks of the best in romantic relationship: the 2 is harmony and the Cups are water - the willingness to merge, understand, surrender to passion and be supportive. This is the ideal of foregoing ego and power trips and going deep into the heart of true love.

images are from the Medicine Cards and the Wheel of Change Tarot

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