Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 13th Daily Guidance

Wise Guy
MESSAGE: Today you may be feeling smarter than everyone else. Even if you don't say it, inside you might even be making fun of others. OK, everyone gets in that mood sometimes, but be sure to make fun of yourself, too!
CROW medicine has a clever, intelligent and sarcastic way of viewing the world and expressing opinions. Crow sees your shadow, his own shadow and even the shadow of the shadow! This Totem caws that humor goes a long way when owning the Deep Dark Truth.
QUEEN OF SWORDS has a whip-smart logical and intuitive mind. Sometimes she's much better at analyzing her feelings than actually being in touch with them. This can lead to isolation, a tendency to be judgmental and a lack of heartiness.

images from Medicine Cards and Wheel of Change Tarot

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